Our company

In 1977 it was founded by D. Faustino Cubillos Selma, who after finishing his studies and with experience in the sector decided to start his own company: Varnishes and Paints VICUR, a family company born in a difficult time, when we were going through a strong crisis in Spain.

It is true that the moment was not the most appropriate, but the tenacity, will and enthusiasm in the work of its founde gave result, and VICUR It is true that the moment was not the most appropriate, but the tenacity, will and enthusiasm in the work of its founde gave result, and VICUR over the years has managed to consolidate itself as a company that has always been concerned about development and research of new products to anticipate the needs of its customers.

Initially located in Silla, for reasons of expansion in 1985, it was moved to Picassent where it currently has modern facilities adapted to the environment and current regulations.

Our philosophy is determined by the concern about the continuous training of our workers and the constant research in our company. This makes VICUR occupy a solid position in the market both in the furniture and metal sector, as well as in plastic and glass, offering a range of products with specific and innovative technical characteristics.